the UNofficial CMSC class FAQ pages

This is the UNofficial CMSC FAQs page. Here you will find tutorials and FAQs written by students who have taken various CS classes. These pages are not supported, endorsed or encouraged by the Computer Science Department at the University of Maryland.

What you WILL find here: tutorials, explanations, hints, comments, links to valuable off-site information, and alternative takes on the content of various courses. Eventually I'd like to add statistics on topic/exam coverage. Keep in mind that many of the pages are still "works in progress" and that coverage changes from semester to semester.

What you will NOT find here: homework assignments, sample exams, programming projects, or anything else that treads on the academic honesty guidelines.

FAQs available

CMSC 411 FAQs:

Introduction to memory and byte ordering The Hell of Caches

These pages are prepared & maintained by:
Robert home
Submissions are welcome, corrections appreciated.

images, text and layout Copyright 1997 Robert Rodgers Atomic bomb image from the public domain archives at the Department of Energy. Permission is granted to provide these pages in their original, unaltered form online for educational purposes. They may not be republished or included on a CDROM, disk or other media or with any published work without the express permission of the copyright holders (this includes FAQ books).